

作者: 日期:2022年04月13日 21:35 点击:




(1) 多尺度多相渗流实验和模拟

(2) 油气藏渗流力学与提高采收率方法

(3) 地热/天然气水合物开发理论与模拟技术


(1) 2020.08-  今,山东科技大学,能源与矿业工程学院,力学系

(2) 2017.07-2020.07,中国石油大学(华东),石油工程学院,油藏工程系


(1) 2010.09-2017.06,中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程,工学博士

(2) 2006.09-2010.07,中国石油大学(华东),数学,理学学士



[1] 国家重点研发计划子课题,稠油化学复合冷采非线性渗流特征及表征模型,2019-2024主持

[2] 山东省自然科学基金,预交联凝胶颗粒驱油体系微观渗流机制及其与储层孔喉匹配关系研究,2018-2020主持

[3] 中国博士后科学基金,多孔介质中弹性颗粒悬浮液微观流动机制研究,2017-2019主持

[4] 中央高校基本科研项目,天然气水合物藏气液固三相渗流机制研究,2018-2020主持

[5] 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,多孔介质中天然气水合物流动特性研究,2017-2019主持

[6] 中国石化胜利油田横向课题,水驱油藏矿场最终采收率影响因素及规律研究,2020-2021主持

[7] 中国石化胜利油田横向课题,氮气吞吐增能工艺优化研究,2020-2021主持

[8] 国家自然科学基金,预交联凝胶颗粒分散体系微观渗流的LBM-DEM模拟方法研究,2016-2019,参与

[9] 国家油气重大专项子课题化学驱动态预警方法及油藏工程研究2016-2020,参与

[10] 国家油气重大专项子课题海上油田全过程提高采收率模式与优化研究2016-2020,参与



[1] Zhou K., Hou J., Fu H., et al. Estimation of relative permeability curves using an improved Levenberg-Marquardt method with simultaneous perturbation Jacobian approximation. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 544: 604-612.

[2] Zhou K., Hou J., Sun Q., et al. An efficient LBM-DEM simulation method for suspensions of deformable preformed particle gels. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 167: 288–296.

[3] Zhou K., Hou J., Zhang X., et al. Optimal control of polymer flooding based on simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation method guided by finite difference gradient. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013, 55: 40-49.

[4] Zhou K., Hou J., Sun Q., et al. A Study on Particle Suspension Flow and Permeability Impairment in Porous Media Using LBM–DEM–IMB Simulation Method. Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 124: 681–698.

[5] Zhou K., Hou J., Sun Q., et al. Study on the flow resistance of the dispersion system of deformable preformed particle gel in porous media using LBM-DEM-IMB method. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2019, 40(10): 1523-1530.

[6] Zhou K., Hou J., Yu B., et al. Production analysis of sequential multi-well cyclic steam stimulation in heavy oil reservoir. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology, 2017, 16(4): 311-328.

[7] Hou J., Zhou K., Zhao H., et al. Hybrid optimization technique for cyclic steam stimulation by horizontal wells in heavy oil reservoir. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2016, 84: 363-370.

[8] Hou J., Zhou K., Zhang X., et al. A review of closed-loop reservoir management. Petroleum Science, 2015, 12: 114-128.

[9] Wu D., Zhou K., Hou J., et al. Review of experimental and simulation studies of enhanced oil recovery using viscoelastic particles. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2019, 40(10): 1523-1530.

[10] Wu D., Zhou K., Hou J., et al. Experimental study on combining heterogeneous phase composite flooding and streamline adjustment to improve oil recovery in heterogeneous reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 194: 107478.


[1] 美国发明专利, Method for simulation of microscopic flow of pre-crosslinked gel suspension liquid in porous media, 2019, 排名2.

[2] 美国发明专利, Method used for exploiting natural gas hydrate reservoir, 2019, 排名:3.

[3] 软件著作权, 粘弹性颗粒非连续流微观力学模拟软件,2017,排名:1.

[4] 软件著作权, 预交联凝胶颗粒分散体系微观渗流模拟软件,2017,排名:1.


[1] 山东省优秀博士学位论文, 预交联凝胶驱渗流机制及注采优化方法研究2018,排名:1.

[2] 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖化学驱渗流理论与开发技术及其在高含水油田的工业化应用2013,排名:10/15.

[3] 教育部科技进步二等奖,深层稠油油藏热化学复合驱提高采收率关键技术及工业化应用,2021,排名:11/15.

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